DREMEL® 3D ECO-ABS FILAMENT Dremel Eco-ABS filament has been specifically engineered for optimal printing with your Dremel 3D45 Printer. Eco-ABS is a natural thermoplastic that softens and melts when it's...
Description White rABS 0.75kg in 2.85mm diameter and approximately 90m long Recycled. Redefined. Revolutionary. ABS is a common 3D printer filament, famous for its strength. However, ABS is also infamous...
Natural White ABS 0.75kg. 2.85mm diameter and approximately 90m long ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) the second most used 3D printing material. Ultrafuse ABS is strong, flexible with a high-temperature resistance. Due...
ABS is a commonly used filament suitable for making more durable and stronger parts than with PLA, as it can stand higher temperatures, it is slightly more flexible and can...
White ABS plastic 0.75kg. 2.85mm diameter and approximately 90m long Used by an array of industries worldwide, ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is known for its good mechanical properties. Specifically formulated...